Thriving in Peri to Post Menopause: The Fitness Ins and Outs You Need to Know
The Fitness Ins and Outs You Need to Know!
Navigating the journey of peri to post menopause can feel daunting, especially when it comes to staying active and strong. For too long, we’ve been fed outdated fitness advice that no longer serves us. But it’s time to flip the script! Let’s embrace strategies that not only support our bodies but also empower us to thrive during this incredible stage of life.
Here’s a breakdown of the Ins and Outs for peri to post menopause fitness—because it’s never too late to move better, feel better, and live better.
Out: Moving less because we’re getting older
In: Moving more and lifting heavy because we’re getting older
As we age, maintaining and building strength becomes even more important. Moving more isn’t just about staying active; it’s about preserving muscle, protecting our bones, and enhancing our quality of life. Resistance training and lifting heavier weights can help us achieve these goals and ensure we stay strong for years to come.
Out: Exercising on an empty stomach/fasting
In: Exercising while fuelled so we can perform
Gone are the days of thinking we need to skip meals or train fasted for results. Our bodies need fuel to perform well, recover properly, and get the most out of our workouts. Eating a nutritious snack or meal before exercising ensures we have the energy to give our best effort and protect our overall health.
Out: Long “high intensity” exercise sessions
In: Short Sprint Interval/High-Intensity sessions
Lengthy high-intensity workouts can leave us drained and increase our stress levels—something we definitely don’t need more of! Instead, short and effective Sprint Interval or High-Intensity sessions allow us to get maximum results without overloading our bodies.
Out: Exercising when we’re exhausted
In: Resting when we’re tired and exercising when we’re rested (quality over quantity)
Exercise is vital, but so is rest. When we’re exhausted, our bodies need recovery—not more stress. Learning to listen to our bodies and prioritise quality workouts when we’re rested ensures we get the most benefit without burning out.
Out: Lots of cardio because we think it’ll make us lean
In: Lifting heavy to improve our strength and cognition
While cardio has its place, it’s not the magic solution for staying lean. Strength training, on the other hand, does wonders for improving metabolism, building lean muscle, and even boosting cognitive function. The benefits go beyond aesthetics, helping us feel mentally and physically strong.
Out: Thinking walking, running, or yoga is “enough”
In: Learning that heavy lifting and multi-directional jumping are required for bone health
Walking, running, and yoga are great, but they’re not enough to protect bone density as we age. Adding heavy lifting and multi-directional jumping to our routines is essential for bone health. The good news? You can start at any level and build up over time.
Out: Thinking it’s too late to start
In: It’s NEVER too late to build strength, confidence, and thrive!
There’s no such thing as “too late” when it comes to improving your health and fitness. Whether you’re new to exercise or getting back into it after a break, the key is to start where you are and progress at your own pace. Every step forward is a step toward a stronger, healthier you.
What’s Next?
The journey through peri to post menopause doesn’t mean slowing down—it means embracing what our bodies are capable of and setting ourselves up to thrive. By letting go of outdated fitness myths and focusing on what works, we can build strength, protect our health, and live with confidence.